Catherine A. Jourdan, MAEd

Licensed Professional Counselor & Executive Coach

Catherine is a Licensed Professional Counselor whose 25 years in counseling, coaching and consulting include positions at Wake Forest University Counseling Center, the WFU School of Medicine’s Department of Family Medicine as consulting adjunct, and the Stress Management and Counseling Center in Winston-Salem as associate director.

She currently maintains a private practice specializing in counseling and executive coaching in the areas of leadership development, stress reduction, work/ life balance, and mind-body-spirit wellness. She is also an adjunct staff member with the Center for Creative Leadership providing feedback and coaching to business executives.

Executive Coaching

A recurring theme exists among business professionals with whom I have worked throughout the years. They report increasing time pressures leading to tension when seeking balance between the demands of a successful professional life and a meaningful personal life. My approach to executive coaching, in addition to the formation of a Professional Development Plan, includes a Stress and Lifestyle Assessment to assist in establishing goals and priorities for achieving a balanced approach to work/life success.

Executive Coaching is an intense and highly focused series of one-on-one sessions between an experienced professional coach and a key contributor (coachee) in an organization, for the purpose of assisting in identifying one’s strengths and areas where development is needed. Coaching involves working to identify and develop:

  • Self-Awareness
  • Self-Motivation
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Leadership Ability
  • 360 degree testing/feedback
Grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the Courage to change the things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference.

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